Expense Entry

Expense Entry

My Expenses New

  • Daily expense of bus/train fair, food, hotel, petrol, auto etc. can be entered by staff in his mobile. His location, date and time will be auto captured. So false expense cannot be claimed.

Sanction Expense

Sanction Exp

  • Manager / Admin can sanction expenses done by executives, by verifying the expenses from website or in his mobile.

Expense Report

Expenses Report

  • Date wise : On which date how much expense done by staff that can be seen here.
  • Expense Type wise Summary : Which type of expense Like (Bus fair, food, auto etc..) is how much done by staff that can be seen.


  • Staff doesn’t need to maintain Expense Sheets, bills and tickets day wise to show at office.
  • Online and on time data entry is possible. So less chances of false expense and information.
  • With expense entry in mobile photographs of tickets and bills can be taken.
  • Problem of misplace or lost of expense bills and tickets for proof can be minimized.