Textile & Garment

(Cloths, Label, Garment Machinery, Tailoring Material etc..)

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Online Attendance :

Marketing staff can enter his start and end attendance with location and date in mobile app.

Visit to the Retailers / Dealers :

Visit to the Retailers / Dealers for Sale, Order, New Garment Presentation, Meeting etc. with photos can be enter in mobile. Work done detail with next follow up date can be entered.

Order Taking :

Staff can enter Retailers / Dealers order with items, quantity and rate in his mobile.

Payment Collection :

Staff can enter the collection detail from the clients in his mobile.

Expense :

Staff can enter his tour and visit expenses in his mobile. His total expense can be easily calculated.

MIS Reports :

Many types of MIS reports are available like attendence with daily km travelled, visit, D.A. and T.A. report etc.