Hospitals & Lab

(Hospital, Laboratory, Radiologist, Diagnostic Equipment, Blood Bank etc..)


Online Attendance :

Executive can enter his start – end attendance with details of work done with location and date.

Visit to the Doctor :

Visit to the Doctors in small cities to tie up with them to send  their patient to the hospital for treatment or for Radiology reports like MRI, CT-scan etc. Visit details with photograph can be send by staff in this app.

Visit to the Labs :

Visit small Labs for tie up for Blood, Urine, Allergy and other heavy reports which is not possible by them due to lack of instruments.

Expense :

Executive can enter his expenses like T.A. / D.A, Hotel, Food, Petrol etc. in detail with photographs.

MIS Report :

Many kinds of detail, summary, analysis and MIS reports are available on website based on the entry done by the staff.