Pharma / Health Care

(Medicines, Herbal, Ayurveda, Surgical, Equipment, Machinery etc..)


Online Attendance :

MR / Manager can enter his start – end attendance with details of work done with location and date.

Visit to the Doctor :

Staff can enter his visit to the doctor for promotion of medicine. He can enter detail of work done with samples and gifts given to the doctor. His visit start & visit end, location and time will be auto captured.

Visit to Medical Store for Order Taking :

MR can enter order of medicines from medical store with details like product, quantity and rate. That order detail is available to company and auto sms can be send to dealer/stockist.

Visit to the Stockist :

MR can enter his visit to the Stockist for giving orders and at the same time he can enter available stock details in his mobile.

Expense :

MR can enter his expenses detail in this feature. His T.A. / D.A./ Other expense can be calculated.

MIS Reports :

Many types of MIS reports are available like Not visited Doctor list, Daily km traveled, D.A. and T.A. report etc.